It seems that psoriasis different parts of the body

Psoriasis refers to diseases of the skin diseases of nature, which is difficult to treat, especially if we talk about the later stages of the disease. Timely diagnosis of the disease is important to recognize the psoriasis is in the early stages. Quick response to the problem and start the timely treatment of the disease, you can prevent many complications in the future.

how is psoriasis early stages

How is psoriasis early stages

On the skin often appear on the rash of a different nature. The rash may be due to allergic reactions, damage to the skin, but there are certain symptoms that should alert every human being. These are:

  1. The development of a bright red or pink spots with clear boundaries. If precipitation appeared due to the damage to the dermis, for example, after that, scratches, burns, you should immediately make an appointment with a dermatologist.
  2. Spots began to peel and itch. Such signs likely to indicate the development of psoriasis.
  3. Itching is not always a natural disease, so even the usual red spots on the body should be a cause for seeking medical attention.

Already at the initial stage of the pathology is characterized by the appearance of lesions of small diameter. When the disease in the form of drops, the diameter of the plaques the size of a match head. Psoriasis vulgaris, is accompanied with papules, larger. Places reach a diameter of the coin 5 cents, a rapidly progressing, merge with each other.

Special attention should be paid to the color and nature of peeling. In Psoriasis, dead skin can be silvery or brownish tint. When you try to scrape off the scale in most cases peeling is improved.

To understand how the beginning of psoriasis, you should consider this phenomenon, when the disease, such as psoriasis triad. Trio is a set of symptoms that likely indicate the presence of psoriasis in humans. Its main manifestations are the 3 steps:

  1. Wax-spot - the appearance of the site, nestled in a fine silvery or whitish scales. When you remove the peeling is improved. This phenomenon is due to the similarity of the appearance of Wax.
  2. The terminal movie - after the removal of flaky skin, it becomes smooth, thin surface, the so-called terminal film. The skin in this place is very thin, easily damaged.
  3. Bloody Rosa - bleeding visible when the film is damaged. Often slight bleeding, the drops are on the edges of places.

The initial stage of the disease lasts from several days to several weeks. Work-in-progress pathology is developing rapidly, plaques multiply, the rash affects large areas.

To prevent the disease is important to seek qualified medical help in the first stage of the pathology.

How to psoriasis of the head

looks like an outcast from the

Many people wonder how to psoriasis on the head? Early stages of psoriasis of the scalp appears in the form of mild exfoliating the hairline and on the scalp. Over time the peeling becomes stronger, the outlook characteristic of the disease papules, which itch, and bring the patient considerable discomfort. The Dermis in the affected areas is compacted, it hurts. Hair does not fall out, because the damage affects only the upper layers of the epidermis, not affecting the hair follicle.

Psoriasis of the scalp often accompanied by complications, such as the accession of bacterial and fungal infection. This condition requires immediate medical care, because often the cause of serious health problems.

It seems that psoriasis of the body

The nature of psoriatic lesions depends on the type of disease. Plaques most often appear in areas of friction skin. These are areas, such as elbows, knees, palms, feet, groin, armpits. Consider the typical symptoms of certain diseases:

  1. Teardrop psoriasis is accompanied by the appearance of spots of small diameter, similar in appearance to the drops. This type of disease is always characterized by flaking and itching.
  2. Tabula is the most common pathology, which is accompanied by the appearance of the dermis seats are quite large in size, are rapidly progressing, merge with each other.
  3. Pustular severe form of the disease, which is characterized by the appearance of plaques filled with purulent exudes. Pustular form requires immediate treatment, because it carries a higher risk of developing psoriatic erythroderma.
  4. psoriatic erythroderma is a very dangerous condition, resulting from improper or untimely treatment of other forms of pathology. When psoriatic arthritis places hidden in large areas of the skin. Erythroderma often provokes serious consequences and even death.
  5. Psoriasis nails - the external manifestations of pathology very similar to nail fungus. In this case, the nail plate is distorted, compacted, loses its natural Shine. Often there is a loss of the nails.
it seems that psoriasis of the body

Is atypical psoriasis. When the symptoms of the disease is very difficult to diagnose even by an experienced specialist. Do not attempt diagnosis at home.

How to psoriasis of the hands

Psoriasis on the hands also depends on the shape of the pathology. Most of the places occur on the palms, between your fingers. In order not to confuse psoriasis and other skin diseases, it is important to make an appointment with a dermatologist.

How to psoriasis on the legs

Most often rash on legs appear in the form of small pimples that occur in the legs, knees. Plaque quickly spread to the entire surface of the feet. Legs and knees are not only the localization of the plaques. The rash can occur anywhere.

How to psoriasis of the face

Often, the disease affects a person's face. Plaques can occur on the forehead, chin, cheeks, eyelids, the area of the nasolabial folds and even the mouth.

how to psoriasis of the hands feet and face

Places one or more in the form of plaques depends on the type of pathology. Often psoriasis on the face is the result of damage to the scalp. Psoriasis on face is very unpleasant, because this part of the body is constantly on display.

Looks like the Palms and soles psoriasis

The palms and soles of the psoriasis is one of the most common forms of pathology, as it is the palm and feet over time the use of continuous friction and frequent mechanical damage. The characteristic symptoms of this type is a process, where the skin is more rough, the appearance of blisters, peeling. Many patients are not in a hurry to go to the doctor, taking into account the condition of the skin normal, because of his work.

The complex of the Palms and soles of the psoriasis is often due to damage to the plaques in which the skin cracked, bleeding is often associated with bacterial infection.

In order to avoid such complications, it is important to start treatment of the disease.

how plantar psoriasis

It seems that psoriasis in children

Children psoriasis is quite rare. Rashes in children is often confused covered with a rash and other rash. To diagnose the presence of pathology of a child can exceptionally qualified specialist, because the child you psoriasis often occurs in an atypical form.

Psoriasis child can occur at any age. Plaques appear in the same place as adults but not always accompanied by flaking and itching. Rare works in children psoriasis of the scalp. According to statistics, this type, the child develops after 10 years.

To avoid complications, it is necessary to show the child's doctor, as even minor damage to the body.

Treatment of psoriasis

Treatment of the disease always depend on the type of pathology and its flow. In the early stages, patients are often given funds in the form of ointments, designed locally. In most cases, the use of the following medications:

  • salicylic cream;
  • sulfur;
  • the zinc paste;
  • ointment on the basis of solido l;
  • tar ointment.
it seems that psoriasis in children

Acute course of the disease and lose significant parts of the dermis, doctors prescribe medications, hormonal based.

Especially important treatment is physical therapy. Popular methods of physiotherapy treatment include:

  1. Electrosleep.
  2. The Uv irradiation.
  3. PUVA-therapy.
  4. X-ray treatments.
  5. Magneto therapy.
  6. The Laser treatment.
  7. Diadynamic.
  8. A range of treatment.

Good effect in the treatment of pathology gives mud and stick to the conditions and sanatoriums.

Psoriasis is a serious disease that requires competent and timely treatment. Unfortunately, today is not the open method that can completely save people from the disease. To achieve stable remission, it is possible by combining a number of therapeutic measures and a healthy lifestyle. Attentive to their health and meets all your doctor's instructions to keep the skin in good condition and avoid the many negative consequences in the future.